How many people die in car accidents? (2021)

A car accident is a very dangerous thing. After an accident, most people stop driving their car due to the fear of again accident. So, Many people want to know the stats of car accidents and want to know how many people die in car accidents. In this article, we will tell you the stats of car accidents in the first quarter of 2021.

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Most countries don’t have any special department for the record of car accidents. But the USA has a National safety council that records the stats of car accidents and deaths in car accidents. So, in this article, we will share the stats of the National safety council of the USA about car accident deaths with you.


Above you guys can see the picture of stats about car accident deaths. This chart shows you the car accident deaths stats of the first quarter of the last 4 years including 2021. According to the National safety council stats, In the first quarter of 2021, a total of 9420 people are died because of serious car accidents.

If we compare these death numbers with 2020, in the first quarter of 2020, a total of 8580 people was died because of major car accidents. So, there is a 10% increase in car accident deaths in 2021. These stats are only based on 3 months. If we see the stats on yearly basis, According to the National safety council stats, in 2020, a total of 42060 people were died because of car accidents. This is a huge number. We advise you, please drive carefully, you are an asset to your family and country.

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